Friday 30 January 2015

50 TOP HTML and HTML5 Interview Questions and Answers

1. What are the new features provided in HTML5?
Some of the new features provided in HTML5 are:
•It provides support for local storage
•New form controls, like calendar, date, time, email, url, search
•<canvas> element is provided to facilitate 2D drawing
•The <video> and <audio> elements are provided for media playback
•New content-specific elements are provided. For e.g. <article>, <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <section>

2. Tell us something about the new <canvas> element.
- The new <canvas> element provided by HTML 5 aids in 2D drawing.
- It uses the tag <canvas>.
- This tag helps in drawing graphics through scripting usually JavaScript.

3. What are the various elements provided by HTML 5 for media content?
<audio> and <video> elements are provided by HTML5 for media playback.
The tags used are:
a.) <audio> - It defines sound content.
b.) <video> - It defines a video or a movie.
c.) <source> - This tag defines the multiple media resources for <video> and <audio>.
d.) <embed> - It provides a container for an external application or interactive content.
e.) <track> - It defines text tracks for <video> and <audio>.

4. What are the new Form elements made available in HTML5?
The new Form elements in HTML5 provide for a better functionality. The tags provided to carry out these functions are:
a.) <datalist> - It specifies a list of options for input controls. These options are pre-defined.
b.) <keygen> - This tag defines a key-pair generator field.
c.) <output> - It defines the result of a calculation.

5. What are the various tags provided for better structuring in HTML5?
The various tags provided for better structuring in HTML 5 are:
a.) <article> - This tag defines an article.
b.) <aside> - It defines content other than the page content.
c.) <bdi> - This tag isolates a part of text for formatting in a different direction from other text.
d.) <command> - It defines a command button to be invoked by the user.
e.) <details> - It defines additional details that can be viewed or hidden by the user.
f.) <dialog> - It defines a dialog box.
g.) <figure> - This tag specifies content like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc.
h.) <figcaption> - It is used to provide a caption for a <figure> element
i.) <footer> - This tag defines a footer for a document or section
j.) <header> - This tag is used to define a header for a document or section
k.) <hgroup> - When there are multiple levels in a heading, it groups a set of <h1> to <h6> elements.
l.) <mark> - It defines highlighted text.
m.)<meter> - It defines a scalar measurement within a known range.
n.) <nav> - It defines links for navigation
o.) <progress> - This tag exhibits the progress of a task
p.) <ruby> - It defines a ruby annotation for East Asian typography
q.) <rt> - It defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters for East Asian typography
r.) <rp> - This tag tells the system what to display in browsers that do not support ruby annotations.
s.) <section> - It defines a section in a document
t.) <summary> - It provides a visible heading for a <details> element
u.) <time> - This tag defines a date/time
v.) <wbr> - This tag defines a line-break
More Questions & Answers :-
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5  Part6  Part7  Part8  Part9  Part10

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